PuTTY (.ppk) → OpenSSH 形式への変換とパスフレーズの変更

PuTTY → OpenSSH 形式への変換

% puttygen -O private-openssh id_dsa.ppk -o id_dsa.pem
Enter passphrase to load key:

OpenSSH → PuTTY 形式への変換

% puttygen -O private id_dsa.pem -o id_dsa.ppk
Enter passphrase to load key:

OpenSSH: パスフレーズの変更

% ssh-keygen -f id_dsa.pem -p
Enter old passphrase:
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

PuTTY: パスフレーズの変更

% puttygen -P id_dsa.ppk
Enter passphrase to load key:
Enter passphrase to save key:
Re-enter passphrase to verify: